Optimize Your Google Ads In 5 Easy Steps

Are you trying to enhance Google Ads’ click-through rate? Getting your Google Ads campaign ready to go is fairly straightforward. But, if you do not optimize your advertising campaigns nicely, your click-through rates might be reduced, making your whole Google Ads campaign less effective.

In this guide, we'll show you how to maximize your Google Ad campaigns to improve click-through prices.

  1. Use Ad Extensions

Google Ads Extensions

Ad extensions are additional information you can have in your ads to lure people to click your own ads and allow them to choose your business over your competitors.

Call extension: In case you are promoting a service using Google Ads, including a call extension could significantly increase your click-through rates. Folks can click or tap a button to call your company directly from the advertisements without having to visit your landing page.

Price extension: Your Cost extension appears under your text ad, providing you with more space to tell more about your offering.

Review extension: Attract new customers to your store by adding social proof right in your ads using review and rating extensions.

2. Optimize Your Display URL

A display URL is a web address that your prospects see on your pay-per-click ads. It gives people an idea of where they will arrive after they click your ad.

Display URL

When developing an ad campaign, keep in mind that your real landing page URL does not need to match your screen URL, but ought to be in the same domain.

A couple of ways to optimize your display URL to increase ad relevancy are:

Use a keyword: Contain a keyword in your display URL. Google bolds the keyword on your screen URL once it matches the search query.

Allow it to be readable: Use camel instance and hyphens on your screen URL to make it more readable.

Use a call to action: Hyatt, for example, uses the call to action Book now in their display URL to encourage clicks.

3. Personalize Your Ad Copy

google ad copy

Google Ads lets you personalize your ads to a fantastic scope to match your advertisements with the search query. If you're a local advertiser, you can use geo-customizers to update your ad based on the searchers' physical place or location of interest.

It is also possible to customize the backup based on the following measurements: apparatus, time, audience, gender, or age.

4. Create Tightly Themed Keyword Groups


Google Ads allows you to incorporate a number of keywords into your accounts and ad groups.

When this can help you win an opportunity to reach your ads to your target customers, at times your advertisements will not include the keywords that people were looking for, which would adversely impact the click-through rates and quality scores.

To improve the likelihood of your keywords appearing on your advertisements, you might use tightly grouped topics or keywords into smaller ad groups instead of a broader ad group.

5. Use a Countdown Timer


Finally, your ad clicks won't mean anything if those people don't convert to your website.

Creating a sense of urgency is a great tactic to convince customers to act fast. Urgency works because it causes people to suspend the deliberate thoughts of procrastination. Evidently, no one likes to miss out on a cool deal.

If you want to improve clicks on your ads by developing a sense of urgency, then Google Ads allows you to insert a countdown timer in your advertisements to highlight your forthcoming events. The advertisements with countdown timers are proven to perform at a significantly higher rate compared to other copies.

After clicking on your ads, your prospective clients will expect the exact same tone and message onto your landing page too.

If you're using a countdown timer in your advertisements, it's in your very best interest to utilize an identical timer on your own landing page as well to meet your prospects' expectations and increase conversions.

Employing a countdown timer is a fantastic strategy for eCommerce shops to improve ad clicks and conversions.

  • Holiday and seasonal campaigns

  • Limited-edition products

  • Flash sales


We hope this article will allow you to enhance the click-through rates of your following Google Ads campaign. If you're running a remarketing campaign to target those who have previously shown an interest in your goods, be certain to follow those remarketing best practices. If you need expert help with your Google Ads please reach out to us today for assistance.