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How Google Is Helping With The Coronavirus Pandemic?

Since President Trump has announced that Google will be helping with the Coronavirus efforts by putting up a new website and tracking system, I have been watching the subtle changes that Google has been implementing across Search and Google My Business and it is impressive. Google has been crucial in helping get information out to the public on how to stop the Coronavirus and how to get help if needed. Below are some examples that I have seen so far and wanted to share to give you an update as well.

  1. Adding the 5 helpful tips for stopping the coronavirus on the initial search page

2. Rich snippet from the World Health Organization on the 5 steps to stop coronavirus

3. Coronavirus alert if you type in a keyword related to doctor such as “doctor near me”

4. Google My Business notification that there is limited functionality on all business pages

5. Common questions about coronavirus tiles for quick answers

Hopefully, this helps you with your coronavirus concerns and questions and I am sure Google will come out with more features in their search engine revolving around the coronavirus. The amazing thing, in my opinion, is how fast Google is able to make these changes across their search engine knowing that they are working on a million other things that the government is requesting from them. One thing that we don’t see is how much information they are collecting revolving around the coronavirus that they are feeding the government so they can make decisions on the next steps. All of this data can let them know if things are getting better or worse on the coronavirus front in a very timely manner.